Monday, 29 May 2017


Tanzania Girl Guides Event on MHM was launching in one of the underached areas of Tanzania that is Lindi Region in districts of Lindi Rural and Mtama. The campaign was officiated by The Guest of honor was Mr. Thomas Safari. District Administrative Secretary (DAS)- Lindi
The campaign was officially launched on 26th may 2017 at Ilulu stadium where 6 schools attended with a total of 2165 girls. Tanzania Girl Guides Association collaborated with Government Offices to include Police Gender Desk, Education department, Private Schools in Lindi such as WAMA and also Paralegal Organizations.

The girls where well vested with knowledge on how to use different types of pads and taught them to make and use local pads The campaign was more practical than theoretical. The young girls also went ahead and formulated songs related to the menstrual hygiene management.
To commemorate this year’s Menstrual Hygiene Management Day is premised on the theme, “Yes Girls Can Be Proud of their Periods” and TGGA has organized awareness raising and empowerment activities targeting girls in 16 rural schools listed below and each school was given a box of pads to use during emergencies at school.
i) Mihogoni Primary School ii) Majengo Primary School iii) Nyangao Primary School, iv) Ng’awa Primary School v) Rahaleo Primary School vi) Mkundi Primary School vii) Stadium Primary School viii) Msingjali Primary School ix) Mteleni Primary School x) Mtama Secondary School xi) Nyangao Secondary School xii) Mkonge Secondary School xiii) Angaza Secondary School xiv) WAMA Secondary School xv) Kineng’ne Secondary School and xvi) Lindi Secondary School

After the YESS campaign launching, we went to Mtulani primary school where we planted trees. The trees where provided by the minimal director under the local government of lindi
Along side with MHM campaign, Tanzania Girl Guides Asscoaition is continuing to engage stakeholders on the need of preserving environment. In Lindi as MHM campaign was launched, community and stakeholders again, were reminded their duty to protect the environment and this was done by example when the Guest of Honour Mr. Thomas Safari. District Administrative Secretary (DAS) - Lindi and The Madam Secretay of TGGA Mwl Grace Shaba planted trees in a desinated are of Lindi to show continue campaign on Climate Change. The branding theme for the environment campign is “Green Tech campaign”.



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